Monitoring and results
The main sources contributing to air pollution are incineration processes, industry, transport and agriculture. The whole territory of the Slovak republic was divided into zones and agglomerations. In each zone and agglomeration monitoring regimes were defined. Results from monitoring of urban areas showed that air pollution caused by particulate matter (PM10) is currently the main problem still causing human health problems in many cities and surrounding areas. There is a significant trans-boundary emission (incl. PM) contribution in north-west Slovakia mainly from Czech Republic and Poland. The limit values for sulphur dioxide (SO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) were nor exceeded at any monitoring station. The regional air pollution is monitored at four monitoring station in Slovakia. In 2009, results showed that national ceiling limits for sulphur dioxide, sulphates, nitrogen oxides and nitrates were not exceeded at any station. But the annual mean concentration of NO2 is above the Air Quality limit value and the PM10 daily limit value exceeded on more than 93 per cent of the monitoring stations. The Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute is responsible for measurements.