Monitoring and results
The Portuguese Environment Agency has a national air quality database available online: Air quality data are centralised and available to the public.
From 2006 to 2013 the annual limit value for nitrogen dioxide exceeded in Porto Litoral, Braga and AML Norte agglomerations. Meteorological conditions, e.g. weak winds and stable atmosphere days, did not helped to reduce emissions.
Until 2013 there is a continuous trend of noncompliance of PM10limits in some regions, e.g. Braga, Porto and AML Norte.
In 2014 Portugal complied all PM10 limit values due to favourable meteorological conditions. NO2 annual limits were not complied in three agglomerations (Braga, Porto Litoral and Área Metropolitana de Lisboa Norte). Porto Litoral is the only agglomeration that did not complied both NO2 hourly and annual limit value