Lawsuits and decisions
The Portuguese environmental organisation Quercus (Portuguese Nature Conservation Association) started two legal actions for better implementation of air quality measures in Portugal. The first one aims at the implementation of HVO+BUS+E lanes in the main accesses of Lisbon and Porto cities. This measure was chosen as an example needed to improve air quality. Execution programs in place by Portuguese law set this measure as obligatory and having a strict calendar (and shared responsibilities among different authorities) for phased-in implementation that failed in practice. This legal case has been delivered to a national court on March 2015.
A second case was delivered to the administrative court of Lisbon on 14 July 2015. The objective is to call the regional authority CCDR-N to prepare and deliver execution programs for the North Region on NO2 and for Braga agglomeration on PM10 setting legally binding measures to comply with plans approved by national laws of June 2014. These programs were already delivered but not yet approved and published by law. The deadline for this ended in December 2014.